

1990s: GOG trials show superior survival in advanced ovarian cancer with addition of paclitaxel to platin drug, and that it is best for carboplatin to replace cisplatin due to less nephrotoxicity and neuropathy

1990s: Discovery of the BRCA1/BRCA2 and Lynch syndrome genes facilitates prophylactic surgery in mutation carriers

1990s: Development of PCR technology allows discovery of somatic alterations in oncogenes (HER-2/ neu, K-ras ) and tumor suppressor genes (TP53 , PTEN ), in gyn cancers and these correlate with clinical behavior

1990s: Clinical trials by the GOG and Southwest Cancer Chemotherapy Study Group (SWOG) demonstrate that chemoradiation is superior to radiation alone in cervical cancer

1990s: Radical vaginal trachelectomy is developed for conservation of fertility in early stage cervical cancer

1990s: Liquid-based cytology and HPV DNA testing aids in detection of cervical dysplasia

1990s: Pain management: postoperative PCA, long acting oral narcotics and transdermal patches improve quality of life for post-op and terminal patients

1990s: Physician-scientist training programs for Ob/Gyns are established by American Gynecological & Obstetrical Society (AGOS), Reproductive Scientist Development Program (RSDP) and others

1990s: Advocacy groups emerge as a powerful force and work with us to establish federal funding for gyn cancer research through the Dept. of Defense and National Institutes of Health

1990 SGO President: C. Paul Morrow, MD (Orlando, FL, 1991)

1991: Gynecologic Cancer Foundation is established.

GCF (FWC) Chairs:

  • Rodrigue Mortel, MD, 1991 – 1994
  • John L. Lewis, Jr., MD, 1994 – 1997
  • Wesley C. Fowler, Jr. MD 1997 – 2003
  • Karl Podratz, MD, 2003 – 2009
  • David M. Gershenson, MD 2009 – 2016
  • David G. Mutch, MD, 2016 – Present

1991 SGO President: Wesley C. Fowler, Jr., MD (San Antonio, TX, 1992)

1992 SGO President: J. Taylor Wharton, MD (Desert Springs, CA, 1993)

1993 SGO President: John R. van Nagell, Jr., MD (Orlando, FL, 1994)

1994: Taxol (paclitaxel) approved by FDA for the treatment of patients with recurrent ovarian cancer

1994: Rodrigue Mortel, MD (San Francisco, CA, 1995), becomes first African American SGO president

1995: President Stephen L. Curry, MD, hosts first SGO meeting in New Orleans, LA in 1996

1996 SGO President: David M. Gershenson, MD (Phoenix, AZ, 1997)

1997 SGO President: Peter E. Schwartz, MD (Orlando, FL, 1998)

1998: Launch of Women’s Cancer Network

1998 SGO President: Karl C. Podratz, MD, PhD (San Francisco, CA, 1999)

1999: NCI Clinical Alert stating chemotherapy plus radiation improves cervical cancer survival

1999: September declared Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month

1999 SGO President: William J. Hoskins, MD (San Diego, CA, 2000)
