2000s: Aggressive cytoreduction
2000s: Second look surgery abandoned in advanced ovarian cancer
2000s: New cytotoxic agents like doxil, gemcitabine and topotecan become available for treatment of platinum-resistant ovarian cancer
2000s: Randomized GOG trials in optimally debulked ovarian cancer show improved survival with intraperitoneal chemotherapy
2000s: Minimally invasive surgery widely adopted in the management of early stage uterine and cervical cancers
2000s: PET scans facilitate non-invasive detection of metastatic disease
2000s: ABOG institutes maintenance of certification and a lifelong commitment to learning
2000: FDA approval of robotic surgery
2000: First female SGO president Carolyn D. Runowicz, MD (Nashville, TN, 2001), envisions a more inclusive society
2001: One and only SGO meeting at Opryland
2001 SGO President: Michael L. Berman, MD (Miami Beach, FL, 2002)
2002: SGO gets new logo
2002 SGO President: J. Max Austin, Jr., MD (New Orleans, LA, 2003)
2003: Human Genome Project declared complete
2003 SGO President: Kenneth D. Hatch, MD (San Diego, CA, 2004)
2004 SGO President: James W. Orr, Jr., MD (Miami Beach, FL, 2005)
2005: SGO becomes a self-managed Society
NCI Clinical Alert on use of IV and IP chemo for advanced ovarian cancer
2005 SGO President: Beth Y. Karlan, MD (Palm Springs, CA, 2006)
2006: HPV DNA testing used in conjunction with PAP smears to improve accuracy
2006: HPV vaccination approved by FDA
2006 SGO President: Larry J. Copeland, MD (San Diego, CA, 2007)
2007: Consensus statement on ovarian cancer symptoms released
2007 SGO President: Andrew Berchuck, MD (San Diego, CA, 2008)
2008: N.E.D. performs at Fight Night in Tampa
2008 SGO President: Thomas Burke, MD (San Antonio, TX, 2009)
2009: First National Race to End Women’s Cancer
2009 SGO President: David G. Mutch, MD (San Francisco, CA, 2010)